If there should be any questions about the thesis project do not hesitate to contact me. From June 6 2005 the best e-mail will be zoolog@olandsdjurpark.se. To reach my private cell phone dial +46-070-2418702!
It may be a custom to thank the supervisor first of all and I guess there is a good reason for it. After many good advice and corrections from my supervisor Mats Amundin during periods when almost no time existed (than for conservation biology, master students from year no. 2, five other thesises and at least 1000 other responsibilities), he even managed to squeeze in some magic time to help me transform this project to a more or less finished master thesis. Also I could not have managed to do the practical work without all help from all of you guys in the Safari park and I especially want to thank Matz, Per, Krille, Richard, Tobbe, Sandra, Sara and Willy who all helped me in so many different ways, even though I guess some activities may have seem more than strange, like the orange “hare” which in fact did not work at all in the end. During the studies before and after the delivery, Fiskeriverket and Arne Fjälling agreed to let me use their camera surveillance system; a special thanks to that.
When I am already at it I may as well continue to thank all other personnel on Kolmården, perhaps especially the veterinarians, all zoo teachers and Birgitta Amundin, as well as the support from Christer and Ines. At the Linköping University I would like to send a special thanks to Per Milberg for advice about some statistical “headaches,” but I am also sending a “gracias” to Jordi Altimiras since his constructive and always questioning attitude has made me look up both one and two things during the studies.
I would not have survived in the small student room without any windows, if it had not been for my fellow thesis workers Malin, Anna, Kickan, Helena (yes you still fall under the category “student”) and now lately also Gustav. Also SVT has, in a way, helped me during the studies by broadcasting some of the recorded material as well as the story about the African wild dogs at Kolmården; a big thanks goes to Ingvar Ernblad for that opportunity.
It may be that the supervisor usually is mentioned first. There also seems to be a rule that parents and girlfriends come last and since I like traditions it will be the same in this thesis. Maybe that is because during projects like these they are almost always the people who come last and for that I am sorry. However I am happy for your (as it seems) never ending support and love you very much.
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Director of undergraduate studies Biology
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