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I want to give the warmest thanks to my supervisor Mats Amundin for expertise, guidance, and the extensive technical and material support. I also want to thank him for his enthusiasm and encouragement along the way and the excellent and quick response in the final writing stage.
I would like to thank the staff at the Kolmården Dolphinarium for expertise, good advice, and their cooperation. I especially want to say thanks for giving me a warm welcome and for the emergency rescue of Luna.
I want to give many thanks to Eva Engqvist and Arne Fjälling for statistical advice, Ines Mello and Christer Blomqvist for software instructions, water technician Malte Söderberg for assistance in the construction of the hose device, Johan Hedborg for technical support and graphics, Andrew Learmonth for excellent proofreading, and Birgitta Amundin and the staff at Kolmården Research and Education Center for the hospitality shown.
Finally I want to thank my fellow thesis workers, my flat mates and the twelve dolphins of Kolmården for their help, encouragement and great company.
Thank you!
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Director of undergraduate studies Biology
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