My name is Linnea Wikström, and originally I come from a small town in Norrbotten called Boden. Since I have always been fascinated by almost everything that has to do with biology I started to study biology here at Linköping University. After three years of education I was feeling a bit travel sick, and luckily enough I received the Linnaeus Palme scholarship for studies at Moi University in Kenya. Back home in Sweden I begun my last two years at the master program, with the idea that min final thesis would be concerned with conservation biology in some way, and suddenly I was working with butterflies! When I started my project I didn’t know much about butterflies, but today I have really learned a lot about these beautiful and interesting creatures. As a bonus I also learned a lot of other useful things like e.g. how to jump over barbed wire fences without destroying my pants…
phone: +46706194379
e-mail: linvi186@gmail.com
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Director of undergraduate studies Biology
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