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Abstract of masters thesis

Little is known about the foraging preferences among trees in the south-eastern range of the middle spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos medius). I analysed structures of trees used for foraging middle spotted woodpecker as well as trees used for nesting Dendrocopos spp. in a wooded pasture, consisting mainly of shredded oaks (Quercus spp.), in southern Turkey. Selected trees used for foraging differed from the average available tree by having larger circumference, greater mean bark fissure depth, greater height, closer neighbouring trees and trees with more than one trunk at breast height. This shows that the middle spotted woodpecker preferred large, mature trees in denser areas. Trees selected for nesting were taller and had a higher proportion of visible dead wood. This might reduce predation of nesting cavity and increase excavation abilities. The middle spotted woodpecker is proposed as an umbrella species in this area to preserve this habitat and the flora and fauna.

Responsible for this page: Director of undergraduate studies Biology
Last updated: 05/28/08