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Colored environmental variation and dispersal between subpopulations were incorporated into a diamond shaped food web based on a model by Vasseur and Fox 2007. Parameter values were estimated with help from empirical studies and have previously been used by Vasseur & Fox 2007 and McCann et al. 1998.

The food web model

* logistic growth of resource

* asynchronous consumers

* environmental variation on consumers

* dispersal of mass-action mixing



Figure: P is the density of the top predator, C1 the first consumer, C2 the second consumer and R the resource.
Preference coefficient, Ωi,j, represent the strength of the trophic interaction between species i and j.

Parameters varied:

  • environmental fluctuation strength (standard deviation)
  • environmental response (cross-correlation of the response of consumers and their different subpopulations)
  • color of environmental variation
  • dispersal or no dispersal

Output data for each case:

  • mean
  • variance
  • stability of patch density, species density and food web total density
  • cross-correlation of consumer species
  • color of species time series
  • extinction risk

Simulations were made in Matlab 7.5.0 (R2007b)


Responsible for this page: Director of undergraduate studies Biology
Last updated: 06/10/10