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The present work would not have been accomplished without the help of several people, to whom I address my sincere appreciation. First of all, I thank my supervisor Dr. Karl-Olof Bergman for assistance, support and guidance during this study.

Additionally, I thank Erik Öckinger (researcher at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) and Markus Franzén (Ph. D. at Lund University) for their expertise regarding burnet moths, and their tireless efforts in answering my questions and queries.

For advice concerning suitable study sites, I thank Bengt-Åke Bengtsson (Ph. D. h. c. at the University of Kalmar), Per-Eric Betzholtz (Senior Lecturer at the University of Kalmar), Dave Karlsson (former part-time coordinator of The Swedish Malaise Trap Project) and Mats Lindeborg (biologist, the County Administrative Board of Kalmar).

I am also indebted to Else-Marie Wingqvist at the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, SMHI, for her provision of temperature data to the GIS analyses.

Last but not least, I thank the people at Station Linné, Ölands Skogsby, for all their help and encouragement during my field work.

Stiftelsen Oscar och Lili Lamms Minne supported this work financially.

Responsible for this page: Director of undergraduate studies Biology
Last updated: 05/11/09