Results mirror test
Results from mirror test. Behaviour differences between P0 males (n=32) and females (n=42). Each behaviour is displayed as a proportion of the maximum potential observations (%) with S.E. Significant differences between the sexes are indicated (*: p=0.05-0.01, **: p=0.01-0.001)
Results from mirror test. . Behaviour differences between F1 males and females. Each behaviour is displayed as a proportion of the maximum potential observations (%) with S.E. Significant differences between the sexes are indicated (*: p=0.05-0.01, **: p=0.01-0.001)
Results undisturbed test
Results of the undisturbed behaviour test comparing males (n=32) and females (n=42). Each behaviour is displayed as a proportion of the maximal potential observations (%) and displayed with S.E. Significant differences between the sexes are indicated (*: p=0.05-0.01, **: p=0.01-0.001, ***: p<0.001)
Social reinstatement test
Results from the social reinstatement test; percent of time spent in the social zone of the test arena, displayed with S.E. A significant difference is seen in time spent in the social zone between the selection lines. (**: p=0.01-0.001).
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