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I would like to thank my supervisors Karl-Olof Bergman, Per Milberg & Harald Beck for their everyday support & advices, and my examiner Anders Hargeby for his comments.

Research permit to work in Manu National Park was kindly granted by the Peruvian government Institute of Natural Resources (IRENA) and the administration of Manu National Park.

I am also very grateful to the staff of the Cocha Cashu station, especially Matias, Ines, Cecilia, Jacob, Sam, Fortunato, Patricia & Amy. Many thanks also to the LiU staff, particularly Karin Tonderski & Ingevald, and finally the Natural History Museum in Lima, including Gerardo Lamas.

Thanks also to the scientists who helped for the species identification, especially Dr. Jacqueline Miller, Patrick Blandin & André Victor Lucci Freitas.

Finally, for being who they are & for everything they did, a special thanks to my fellow students, dear friends & beloved family.

Responsible for this page: Director of undergraduate studies Biology
Last updated: 06/15/10