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How to avoid publishing pages not your own

..we have a common user, remember?

When you exit editing mode, Roxen will ask you if you want to publish pages that are not published yet.

Please do not do this!

This will publish all other peoples pages as well, which might not at all yet be ready for publishing. The picture below shows the question you get when exiting and where you should not click. Just click the Exit-button without marking the checkbox.

Thanks for your patience with this.



How to publish your _own_ page, one by one

..we have a common user, remember?

As we talked about at the lecture/seminar, you have to publish your pages to get them visible for anyone not actually logged in to the system. This is good, because you can keep your work between sessions and then publish it all when all your pages are done.

However, since most of us use the common nbid43-user, we have the risk of accidentally publish other peoples' work!

So, when you want to publish your own pages, you do this one by one as chown in the picture below.

  1. Make sure you are at the correct page and that it is actually yours. Your name should be in the line of text at the top of the page.
  2. To publish the page, click on the publish-icon at the uppermost panel.

Responsible for this page: Director of undergraduate studies Biology
Last updated: 05/06/10