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Two ecotypes of Asellus aquaticus were collected from two Swedish lakes: Lake Tåkern and Lake Fardume. Reed ecotype was collected from Phragmites australis (reed) habitat and chara ecotype was collected from adjecent Chara spp. (stonewort) habitat

The experimental design consisted of 2-L aquaria, each providing alder leaves (Alnus glutinosa), oak leaves (Quercus roburleaves) and periphyton as food sources.

Six treatments were applied for each lake in 3- categories:

1) Single ecotype in low density (6 indv.)
2) Single ecotype in high density (18 indv.)
3) A combination of one ecotype and Gammarus pulex (6 indv. from each)

Functional role such as decomposition and impact on algae biomass was examined for two ecotypes from both lakes.

Responsible for this page: Director of undergraduate studies Biology
Last updated: 05/24/11