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Movement patterns of the GPS collared wolves

Steffi's GPS locations in 89 days

Steffi got 124 GPS locations, Mean of 1.94 locations/day
She traveled 163.7 km, Mean of travel of 1.8 km/day
Her estimated home range was ~ 14.7 km2
She got more locations in villages during the night.


Cleopa's GPS locations in 18 days

Celopa got 21 GPS locations, Mean of 1.75 loc/day
She traveled 30.9 km, Mean of travel of 1.8 km/day
Her estimated home range was ~ 40.1 km2


Prossia got 12 GPS locations in two days outside the enclosure from the 2010/07/27 to the 2010/07/28 before she lost her collar. But all those locations were close to the enclosure. She got a total of 140 locations in 14 days from the 2010/07/15 to the 2010/07/28, with a mean of 10 locations day-1, but except the two last days, she stayed in the enclosure.

Visual observations of two of the released wolves

Steffi and Prossia seen on the field and different clues of wolves presence

(Smileys: visual observations; deer figures: prey remains; crosses: urination markings)

Responsible for this page: Director of undergraduate studies Biology
Last updated: 05/01/11