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Predators' effects on size composition

Predation by perch

The difference in mean length before and after the trial was tested with a paired t-test for each group. The results showed a significant decrease of the mean length for the reed ecotype in the stonewort substrate (Fig 1).

Fig 1. Mean length of the isopods before and after predation by perch. *** denotes a significant (p<0.001) change in mean length.

Predation by damselfly larvae

A two-way ANOVA showed significant increase of the mean length of the isopods before and after the trial when there was no substrate. There was also a significant difference between the ecotypes, with the reed ecotype being larger, but no interaction between the two factors (Fig 2).

With reed substrate only the stonewort ecotype showed a significant increase in mean length (Fig 2). 

Fig 2. Mean length of the isopods before and after predation by damselfly larvae. Stars denotes a significant (** = p<0.01, *** =p<0.001) change, in mean length.

Responsible for this page: Director of undergraduate studies Biology
Last updated: 06/02/11