ADPr (10µM) increased [Ca2+]i in INS-1E cells. ADP (5µM) increased [Ca2+]i (A). After prolonged washout and new application of ADP, there was a second, almost similar [Ca2+]i increase by ADP (B). Another application of ADP shortly after the first application of ADP showed only a small [Ca2+]i increase (C). Prior application of ADP decreased the ADPr-induced [Ca2+]i increase(D).

The S5cells were incubated for 10min with either MRS 2179 (1 and 10µM) (fig A and B) or MRS 2279 (10µM) (fig. D). The inhibitors were also present in the perfusion during the experiment. Both MRS 2179 and MRS 2279 completely inhibited the [Ca2+]i increase by ADPr (10µM). Control experiments shows that ADPr-induced [Ca2+]i increase in the absence of the inhibitors (fig C and E). MRS 2179 and MRS 2279 did not block the Cch-induced [Ca2+]i increase (fig. A, B and D).
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