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Medicago truncatula plants were treated without Gi (NAM), with inoculum’s fil (Fil), with 2 mM Pi KH2PO4 (2 mM Pi), with Gi fungus (AM), with fungus Gi and with 2 mM Pi KH2PO4 (AM+2 mM Pi) and with fungus Gi and with0. 2 mM Pi KH2PO4 (AM+0.2 mM Pi). Variation in Growth was observed between groups during development and photos were taken one, two, three and fourth weeks.   Plants appearance reveals that AM, 2 mM Pi, AM+0.2 mM Pi and AM+2 mM Pi looks similar to each other but healthier than NAM and fil plants. AM plants look greener than NAM

Side view of four weeks old medicago truncatula

Responsible for this page: Director of undergraduate studies Biology
Last updated: 06/07/11