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The results indicated no gradual change throughout Sweden regarding the characteristics measured and no clusters of regions or clusters of certain locations within a region. Due to this, further analysis were dine on the individual clones, not regarding the plants as representatives for a ceratin region.

There were significant differences between clones for all four analyzed characteristics (biomass, below-/aboveground biomass, tuber biomass and number of tubers). Differences were not related to geographical location, but occured and were absent, both within and between regions.

Overview of significant differences between young plants of 12 clones of E. arvense regarding for characteristics measured at six occasions during autumn: biomass (a), below-/aboveground biomass (b), tuber biomass (c) and number of tubers (d). Clones originated from four counties in Sweden (from south to north: Skåne – S, Östergötland – Ö, Uppland – U and Västerbotten – V). A letter (a, b, c or d) shows significant (p<0.05, Tukey HSD test) difference between the two compared clones regarding the corresponding characteristic.

Responsible for this page: Director of undergraduate studies Biology
Last updated: 05/24/11