The reason why I chose this project.

My interest of musk ox that exists in western Härjedalen was awakened in the teenager when I did my first hike with my grandfather and aunt, and she predicted:
- You will work with musk oxen when you grow up!
After four years on the biology program at Linköpings University, I got the big opportunity to choose from a list with suggestions for Masters projects. A mong various proposals, there was one about musk ox. This project has led to increase my interest about musk ox future and breeding. This has made me want to be involved to save the wild musk ox population. This is reasons why I have selected this particular project about the ancient animals.
If you have questions about musk ox or the project, I will happily answer on matters connected with this
If you have questions about musk ox or the project, I will happily answer on matters connected with this
Contact information
Sophie Tunros
Väsbyvägen 6, 605 91 Norrköping, Sweden
Size: 106.2K bytes Modified: 13 May 2011, 19:06
Size: 133.4K bytes Modified: 17 May 2011, 13:35
Responsible for this page:
Director of undergraduate studies Biology
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