The Open Field Test
The movements of the birds in novel arenas were recorded using ceiling-mounted video cameras and were scored and analyzed using Ethovision v3.1.
The Learning Test
First the birds were taught to chose a coloured cup that contained reward.Than they were tested 6 times in different contexts and the percentage of total correct choices was calculated for each bird.
The Emergence Test
The test shows the willingness of the animal to enter a novel and bright area from a dark and sheltered one and the fearful birds hesitate more to exit the box.On the second day the birds were re-tested after being kept in a net for 3 minutes before the experiment.
The Tonic Immobility Test (TI)
TI response is a valid measure of the fear level in chicken but the rationale behind the test is not clear. To induce TI, each bird was placed on its back in a V-shaped wooden cradle and a gentle pressure was applied on its chest for 10 sec
The Aerial Predator Test
The test measures the reactions of the subjects to a model predator. The bahaviours of subjects before and after predator exposure were measured. Later, each behaviour was either categorized as relax or as agitated behaviour.
Heterophil : lymphocyte (H:L) ratio
The test provides a reliable assessment of stress in all vertebrate taxa. H:L ratio increases in response to the stress and corticosterone in chicken.The blood smears were prepared and stained using Giemsa stain and100 leucocytes were counted to obtain H:L ratio.
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Director of undergraduate studies Biology
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