Identifying factors influencing denitrification and greenhouse gas production in riparian wetland soils
Master thesis in Ecology and the Environment by Linus P. D. Lind
Supervisor: Carl C. Hoffmann and Joachim Audet, Aarhus University.

My master thesis aimed to identify which parameters in wetlands soil and water are the most important regulators for removing nitrogen and producing greenhouse gases. The experimental performance was carried out in Silkeborg, Denmark at the department of bioscience, Aarhus University between June to December 2011. The whole master project was carried out until June, 2012.
In this study we used soil cores from four riparian wetlands located in central- and northern Jutland, Denmark. The sites contained different soil and water characteristics, such as different pH-levels and Organic matter.
Feel free to contact me for further information or if you have any questions, do not hesitate to send me an E-mail on
Moreover, Linus P. D. Lind stands for my middle names Petter and Daniel nothing else.
Best wishes
Linus Lind
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