In Zebra finches
The images taken from non-broody and broody zebra finches were pooled together for analysing. There is no objective method to analyse the images. Hence the images were scored based on certain criteria namely degree of branching, coevrage, visibility of capillaries and redness. The scoring of images were done by three persons since each person may vary with their opinion. Same birds were used for the study when they are broody and non-broody. The images from each bird were randomized so that the person who is scoring doesnt know whether this image is taken from a broody, non-broody bird or whether it was taken before or after applying the NO gel. After scoring was done by three persons, there was not a good correlation of scoring between scorers in terms of degree of branching and coverage whereas was a significant correlation in terms of capillarity and redness. Hence only two criterias were taken for analysing the images.
The following graph shows the vasodilatory effect of NO in terms of capillarity in broody and non-broody Zebra finches.
The following graph shows the vasodilatory effect of NO in terms of redness in broody and non-broody Zebra finches.
The ultimate aim of the study is to compare the vasodilatory effect of NO in broody and non-broody birds. Hence the vasodilatory effect of NO in terms of capillarity and redness was compared in broody and non-broody zebra finches. The graph shows that there is no significant difference in the effect of NO in broody and non-broody birds.

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Director of undergraduate studies Biology
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