Canine Behavioural Assessment and Research Questionnaire, more commonly known as C‑BARQ is a questionnaire dealing with the behaviour of dogs. The questionnaire was developed by researchers (i.e. James A. Serpell and Yuying Hsu) in USA. The C‑BARQ is a questionnaire which the dog’s owner/caretaker (in this case the puppy raisers) answers. There are seven sections in the questionnaire with questions about: Training and Obedience, Aggression, Fear and Anxiety, Separation-related behaviour, Excitability, Attachment and Attention-seeking, and Miscellaneous. When developing the questionnaire, Hsu and Serpell did a factor analysis on the questionnaires collected from 2054 dogs (more than 100 breeds represented). They got 11 factors which accounted for 57 % of the common variance. The factors identified were given the following names: Stranger Directed Aggression, Owner Directed Aggression , Dog Directed Aggression , Stranger Directed Fear, Non-Social Fear, Dog Directed Fear, Separation Related Behaviour, Attachment and Attention-Seeking Behaviour, Trainability, Chasing, Excitability, and Pain Sensitivity. The 12 factors consisted all together of 68 questions. Later on two additional factors were added: Dog Rivalry, and Energy Level. The version of C‑BARQ used in this present study had 81 questions divided into the 14 categories and 24 questions in the miscellaneous section. C‑BARQ can be a good way to estimate whether a dog’s personality makes the dog suitable for training, working (e.g. military, service) and/or breeding programs. The dog’s results from a behavioural test will be correlated to its personality and behaviour but also with early experiences in the dog’s life. Early experiences in dog do affect the behaviour of the adult dog. This indicates that if the dog has been experience something specific this will affect the performance in the behavioural test. These experiences are barly covered by C‑BARQ so by adding some questions about experiences this will be covered.
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