2. Methods
2.2 Behavioural observations
2.2.2 Exposure to novel object
Observations of reactions to novel object were performed in order to investigate fearfulness and neophobia, assuming novelty to cause behaviour reactions related to fear and fearfulness. The objects used were a blue pilates ball (TB1, Ø 60cm), a pink umbrella (TB2, Ø 1m ) and a large blue and white plastic bag (TB3, 60x60x25 cm).
Behaviours were video recorded for three minutes from when the cow was presented to the object (Table 2). Since cows are strictly social animals and separation from the group induces several stress responses in an individual, the social separation in the test-situation may be a factor affecting the behaviour of the cow as much as the novel object in question. Therefore, behaviours related to social separation were recorded as well (Table 2).
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