Protective zone study
This study was conducted to compare the effects of protective zones and clear-cuts on lichen abundance at different distances from the swamp forest edge. I visited three swamp forests that had been affected by forestry within 5-10 years prior to the survey. Three swamp forests were selected that bordered both a clear-cut and a protective zone of 20-50 meters. Two of the swamp forests were selected from the follow-up study and one swamp forest was selected based on maps from the Swedish Forest Agency. Two types of transects were surveyed for lichens from the forest edge into the core of each swamp forest: transects bordering (1) a clear-cut and (2) a protective zone of approximately 20-50 meters
Linear regressions were used to calculate the change in lichen abundance from the swamp forest edge into the core, expressed as slope coefficients, of each lichen species, transect type and swamp forest. The gradual change in lichen abundance was compared between lichen species, transect types and swamp forests using range-plots. The statistical analyses were performed in SPSS Statistics 22 and STATISTICA 12.
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