Novel Arena Test

Fish differed consistently in all behaviour recorded in the novel arena, and parasite load did not explain variation in these
Mirror Test

Fish differed consistently in all behaviour recorded during the mirror test, and parasite load explained variation in the amount of time spent near the mirror, and the number of attacks launched at the mirror

Total time spent near the mirror, for infected and uninfected sticklebacks. Y-axis shows the total amount of time a stickleback spent near a mirror (s). Whisker bars show upper and lower fences, individuals dots show data points, boxes show lower and upper quartiles, and the thick line within the box shows the median value.

Attacks per second shown by infected and uninfected sticklebacks during the first period of observation (see text for details). Y-axis shows the number of attacks the fish have launched at the mirror, per second. Whisker bars show upper and lower fences, individuals dots show data points, boxes show lower and upper quartiles, and the thick line within the box shows the median value.
Simulated Predator Attack

After exposure to simulated predator attack, fish did not show consistency in the amount of time spent still, or in the time spent in cover (Table 4). Fish differed consistently in their latency to move after the stimulated attack, and the amount of time spent swimming and interacting with the environment. Parasite load did not explain variation in these
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