Results, group 1
Behavioral responses
The total number of interactions, across all observation days and odor stimuli, was 19 (Table 2). As the number of interactions was so low, no further tests or comparisons were made for this group.

Results, group 2
Behavioral responses
The total number of interactions, across all observation days and odor stimuli, was 876. Sniffing was the most frequently performed behavior, followed by biting, toying, and pawing.

Comparisons between odor stimuli
The wolves displayed a significantly higher number of interactions with the odorized logs when presented with the blood component and the horse blood compared to the fruity odor and the solvent. There was no significant difference in the number of interactions between the blood component and the horse blood, nor between the fruity odor and the solvent.

Variability across sessions
Correlational analysis showed no significant decrease or increase in the number of interactions displayed across the five sessions. This was true both when combining all four odor stimuli, and when considering all four odors separately.

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Director of undergraduate studies Biology
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