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Material & methods

Local scale

Habitat preferences of 4 species of Zygaena were studied in Östergötland province in Sweden during two field seasons (July 8-24, 2014 and July 2 to August 4, 2015) at 11 sites. The sites consisted mostly of semi-natural grasslands but also of a few clear-cut edges along roads. Burnet moths were recorded using a transect method between 9.00 and 17.00 (GMT+2) in sunny weather, at wind speed below 5 m s-1 and temperature above 17 °C following Wikström et al. (2009). 

Each individual burnet moth was recorded together with a number of variables including nectar sources, host plants and other environmental parameters. For every site 100 control points were evenly distributed along the same transects as for the burnet moths survey.  


After that all the variables were tested for possible collinearity, a generalized linear model with binominal distribution (IBM SPSS Statistics 23) was used to analyse how the variables affected the presence/absence patterns of the burnet moths.  



Responsible for this page: Director of undergraduate studies Biology
Last updated: 05/03/16