Material & methods
Local scale
Habitat preferences of 4 species of Zygaena were studied in Östergötland province in Sweden during two field seasons (July 8-24, 2014 and July 2 to August 4, 2015) at 11 sites. The sites consisted mostly of semi-natural grasslands but also of a few clear-cut edges along roads. Burnet moths were recorded using a transect method between 9.00 and 17.00 (GMT+2) in sunny weather, at wind speed below 5 m s-1 and temperature above 17 °C following Wikström et al. (2009).
After that all the variables were tested for possible collinearity, a generalized linear model with binominal distribution (IBM SPSS Statistics 23) was used to analyse how the variables affected the presence/absence patterns of the burnet moths.
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