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For all the species, Knautia arvensis, a nectar source, had a significant positive effect on the presence of the burnet moths. There was a significant positive effect of sward height for all the species except Z. filipendulae. The effect of grass cover was significantly negative for Z. lonicerae and Z. viciae. There were also significant negative effects of herb cover and bare soil on the presence of Z. filipendulae. Dry soil had a significantly positive effect on Z. lonicerae, Z. viciae and Z. osterodensis.

As for host plants, Lotus corniculatus had a significant negative effect on Z. filipendulae and a significant positive effect on Z. viciae. There was also a significant positive effect of Vicia cracca on Z. osterodensis and Z. lonicerae. Lathyrus pratensis had a significant negative effect on Z. osterodensis.

Responsible for this page: Director of undergraduate studies Biology
Last updated: 05/03/16