Zandra Löfqvist

About me
During my first years at LiU I studied the Biology programme and found a special interest in the subjects of Ecology and Conservation Biology. It was this interest which then inspired me to continue my studies at LiU with the master programme in Ecology and the Environment.
Both my bachelor thesis The importance of vegetation height and flower abundance for Swedish butterfly species in semi-natural grasslands and my master thesis Local and regional factors correlating with long term population change in Gentianella campestris are focused on conservation of species in semi-natural grasslands. A species rich habitat type that has decreased substantially in Sweden and the rest of Europe during the last decade.
Conservation of semi-natural grasslands is an issue that is very important to me as it is one meaningful step in preserving biodiversity. Loss of biodiversity is one of the major global issues that humanity faces today. I would be very pleased if any of my work, past or future, could have a small part in solving these issues.
In the future I hope to continue working with my passion and deepen my knowledge in the field of Ecology and specialize further on conservation of endangered species, both flora and fauna.
Feel free to contact me:
LinkedIn: Zandra Löfqvist
Responsible for this page:
Director of undergraduate studies Biology
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