In order to test the effect of temperature on movement pattern of blue tongue lizards, assessment of movement parameters that describe movement pattern of blue tongue skinks was assessed from the relocation data. For calculations of those movement parameters, R package T-LoCoH was used (Lyons & Getz, R Core team 2016). The list of assessed movement parameters can be found in Table 1.
As indicated before, GPS data was collected during two time periods of high activity, when lizard’s position was saved every 15 min, while during the periods of low activity, positions were saved every hour. T-LoCoH lxy object is a series of point locations, which also contains information about time, and some other information about the tracked animal (e.g. temperature, and Lyons et al 2013 for more details). In order to produce T-LoCoH lxy object, time span between nearby saved positions should be equal. That is why the collected data was refined for this analysis, and only the nearby positions that are one hour in time from each other were used. Also, calculations were done separately for data collected on different locations and within different seasons.
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