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I am very thankful to the following people for contributing to the materialization of this project:

  • My supervisor Matthias Laska for his constant and timely support, guidance and invaluable insight throughout this project.
  • Vasen Gård (Kjell, Ingrid and Johanna Sandahl and staff) for allowing me to conduct my study at their dairy farm and for hosting me and inspiring me during my data collection.
  • Fellow veterinarian Johanna Habbe for connecting me to Vasen Gård.
  • My parents Georgios and Alexandra Malidaki for supporting me and for constructing the apparatus used in my study.
  • My partner Henrik Peteri, for transporting me to and from the farm several times and for contributing with photography and video material from the experiment sessions.

Responsible for this page: Director of undergraduate studies Biology
Last updated: 05/13/17