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I will only show the most highlighting results. If you are interested in more detailed results, please contact me :)

The results showed that serotonin manipulation effected bold-related behaviours. Specifically, fish exposed to fluoxetine became shier the longer they were exposed to it (Npre-exposure = 45, Nacute = 35, Nlong = 19 and Npost-exposure = 5, H(3) = 11.66, P ≤ 0.001). In addition, when considering parasite status, we observed that only non-infected fish became shyier the longer they were exposed to fluoxetine (Npre-exposure = 29, Nacute = 22, Nlong = 13 and Npost-exposure = 5, H(3) = 4.97, P = 0.03).


Effects of fluoxetine on risky behaviour, (a) across time and (b) across time depending on parasite status. Values represent mean±S.E.

Responsible for this page: Director of undergraduate studies Biology
Last updated: 07/13/18