Separation-reunion experiement
Test Condition - Experiment Procedure
The dog stays in the room with the owner for five minutes. The owner ignores the dog unless different instructions were given.
At the beginning of this phase the owner leaves the room. The dog remains alone in the room for the rest of the 5-min phase.
At the beginning of this phase the owner returns and remains with the dog in the room for the rest of the 5-min phase. The owner talks to the dog for the entire duration phase.
The area of interest taken for measuring the IRT data was the eyes region. Temperatures were recorded each minute for 15 times.
Validation Tests
In order to test the equipment, we conducted five validation experiments with different objects: a person, a basket filled with hot water, a video camera connected to the socket, a metal handle door and a basket filled with water at room temperature. As for the dog experiment, IRT temperatures were recorded at each minute for 15 times.
The area of interest varied based on the object's shape.
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Director of undergraduate studies Biology
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