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The boxes and the beetles

The boxes were gretaly dominated by saproxylic beetles. 

Five red listed species were found in the boxes: Trinodes hirtus, Mycetophagus quadriguttatus, Ptenidium gressneri, Aderus populneus and Uloma culinaris. 

Additionally, two species of pseudoscorpions, Chernes cimicoides and Dinocheirus panzer, were found in the boxes

Comparative study

It was found that the boxes in this study contained about 45% of species dependent on tree trunk hollows. 

The variables and the beetles

It was found that the variables forest area and shading had a positive effect on species richness in the boxes. Furthermore, buildings surrounding the boxes had a negative effect on the species richness. 

The RDA of the species composition showed that the species were negativley affected by buildings, and the The species Latridius minutus, Corticaria longicollis, Epuraea marseuli, Aridius nodifer and Diernella elongata all deviated from the other species. D. elongata seemed to be positively correlated with moisture and shading, where an increase in these variables increased the abundance of the species. L. minutus, C. longicollis, E. marseuli and P. fur all seemed to be positive correlated with coniferous forest area, shading and moisture. A. nodifer seemed to have a positive correlation with hollow trees and deciduous forest.

Responsible for this page: Director of undergraduate studies Biology
Last updated: 05/24/20