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Wilcoxon test

The only wilcoxon test that was almost significant was this one.
Its p-value is 0.0625 (significance at 0.05).

As we can see on the graph the difference in the positive behaviours for the female between the first and second visit.


Lets dig in that positive behaviour panel

As we can see in this graph.
The female seems more relaxed during my second visit. When other positive behaviours did not really change.

News after the master

I received an e-mail on month after my data collection was done saying:

- Now neither Ophelia nor Gilts are running away when the food is thrown in the enclosure anymore!!!

- Gilts even follows the caretaker when he sees one!!

It is not in my study but

Responsible for this page: Director of undergraduate studies Biology
Last updated: 06/18/20