Discussion - Use of sectors
Ring-tailed lemurs’ use of sectors

No enrichment:
They prioritized open areas and areas close to their house, while underutilizing central areas of the outdoor enclosure.
They increased the use of underutilized sectors, which confirms the strong effect of enrichment.
Visitor presence:
The ring-tailed lemurs tended to use the enriched sectors more often with no visitors, maybe because visitor presence is a deterrent while crossing visitor paths, although the results were not statistically significant.
Meteorological conditions:
The ring-tailed lemurs preferred sunny and cool conditions for using open areas and enriched sectors, cloudier conditions for moving around, and sought sheltered areas when it was rainy or too warm.
Red ruffed lemurs’ use of sectors

No enrichment:
They prioritized their house area and rarely ventured out, probably due to initial skittishness.
They became bolder when enrichment was added. Food enrichment encouraged them to venture out to enriched sectors, and they increased exploration of the enclosure with structural enrichment.
Visitor presence:
The red ruffed lemurs were significantly affected by visitor presence. They avoided going to sectors far away from their house when there were visitors.
Meteorological conditions:
The red ruffed lemurs stayed close to their house when it was sunny and warm to avoid visitors and the ring-tailed lemurs. They explored other sectors when it was rainy or cold and neither visitors nor ring-tailed lemurs were present as often.
Responsible for this page:
Director of undergraduate studies Biology
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