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By inhibiting the Wnt pathway, our results have shown downregulation of:

one ligand (JAG 2)

one receptors (Notch 2)

one transcriptional activator (MAML 1)

two target genes (Hes 1, Hes 7)

two inhibitors (NUMB, NUMBL)

two of Notch glycosyltransferases (LFNG, RFNG)


Is accomplished by the Tcf/Lef target gene pro gram, shown by transfecting the cells with siRNA against β-catenin.


This total down regulation of the Notch pathway upon Wnt deactivation shows a correlation betwe en the two signaling pathways in colorectal cancer.   We did not find any correlation the other way around, between Notch inhibition and Wnt pathway through β-catenin signalling.


Using gamma-secretase inhibitors may provide a targeted-drug strategy for treating human colorec tal cancer, because of the close correlation betwe en the Notch and Wnt pathway


Inhibition of Notch signalling gives a decrease in Hes 1 gene expression, leading to halt of cell proli feration and generation of apoptosis.  

Preclinical studies for Alzheimer’s disease in ro dents have shown that a side effect of gamma- secretase inhibitors is macroscopic abnormalities i n the GI-tract, where the small and large intestine is distended and with an excess of mucus


This may be one way of inhibiting the upregulation of the Notch pathway in colorectal cancer.


Responsible for this page: Director of undergraduate studies Biology
Last updated: 05/11/09