In the four groups (15H, 15N, 19H, 19N), some probes were differentially expressed. From the eggs incubated up to 15 days, the microarray revealed 5 probes that were differentially expressed according to the set criteria (pValue >0.01 and absolute fold change FC>2) in the two programs (PLIER & RMA) used to normalise to data. The five probes were all upregulated (FC between 2 and 3) except for the similar to ENS-1 which was highly downregulated (9,78 in PLIER and 4,69 in RMA) .
- apolipoprotein A-I
- solute carrier family 4, anion exchanger, member 1
- calcium-binding protein p22
- Similar to ENS-1
- corticotropin releasing hormone binding protein
From the eggs incubated up to 19 days, 8 probes were differentially expressed in both programs. No further tests were performed on the 19 days fetuses since there was no statistical significance in the heart/fetus mass ratio after incubation.

Apolipoprotein A-I, calcium-binding protein p22, similar to ENS-1 were further tested in qPCR for their possible role in cardiac remodelling. The qPCR results were different from the microarray results. They did not confirm the microarray results. Besides the three, the beta 2 adrenergic receptor gene was included. The latter is studied for its signaling alteration in the fetal heart.
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