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Predation is a noted to be one of the major selective factors that regulate the benthic invertebrates communities. Fish on one hand is considered as a top predator in most permanent aquatic environment; on the other hand the invertebrates are said to be the major determinant of the carrying capacity of the fish species. The study objective was to investigate the invertebrates distribution in the two contrasting habitats: Chara, with submerged vegetation and the Reeds with emergence vegetation, and also to describe the interactions between the fish species and the notable invertebrates in the lake.

The study was based on optimal foraging theory  which explain the risk and benefits choice of a predator in a predator prey contest. Handling time and intake rate were measured during the laboratory experiment.

In the field, fish and invertebrates were sampled. Fish gut content were analysed. 16 different invertebrates were found in the two habitats. The similarity between the two habitats was determined using  Renkonen similarity index, and with S index of 65%. The fish caught by the gill nets were: Roach( Rutilus rutilus), Perch ( Perca fluviatilis), Tench ( Tinca tinca) and Rudd (Scardinius erythrophthalmus). The fish gut content revealed 4 major invertebrates species namely: Asellus aquaticus, Corixidae,Chironomidae and Zygoptera larvae .

In the laboratory predator prey experiment were conducted using  perch of 100mm, and prey organisms were Asellus aquaticus, Gammarus pulex and Corixidae of different size category. The results shows that there was no significant difference in the handling time across the size category and the different prey items. The handling time for Asellus was the shortest , but Corixidae was more in the gut content.

Key words: Predator  , prey ,   handling time.

Responsible for this page: Director of undergraduate studies Biology
Last updated: 06/01/10