Brains were sectioned at 50 μm and histochemically stained with Thioflavin T which binds to the amyloid-β plaques and counterstained with Sudan Black B. Control mice were clear of plaques and Tg6799 mice developed plaques mainly between 3 and 8 months. By 10 months of age plaque load of the 5xFAD mice was massive.
Since behavioral symptoms were detected at 2-3 months of age, the behavioral symptoms preceded plaque development.
The figure to the left shows Thioflavin T stained sections of A) control B) 2-3 month old Tg6799 and C) 8-10 month old Tg6799 mice showing Anterior piriform cortex. Amyloid-beta plaques are indicated by white arrows. Not all plaques are indicated by arrows.
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