Serum Anti-ssDNA Antibodies ELISA results

Figure 4: Serum anti-ssDNA abs in B10.S mice. Purified CD4+CD25+ and CD4+CD25- cells from Hg-primed or water treated mice transferred to recipient mice (A-H). Group A to D treated with water and Group E-H treated with 4 mg HgCl2/l in drinking water. *p<0.05, significant difference ( Mann-Whitney U test). Sera were taken and analysed after 0, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 and 15th weeks of treatment. Horizontal bars represent median value.
Serum from all the 8 groups were analysed for serum antibodies to anti-ssDNA. Statistical analysis of the anti-ssDNA result showed that antibody level did not have any significant difference among the group, when Mann-Whitney U test was carried out (Fig.4).
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