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After four weeks, all groups of M. truncatula plants were harvested. Fresh roots, fresh stems and fresh leaves were weighed for biomass. Our results showed that AM+2 mM Pi plants have more biomass of roots, stem and leaves and followed by 2 mM Pi plants. Overall, AM+2 mM Pi plants shows significant increase in biomass as compared to NAM and fil. (an average increase of 3 fold). We have found no difference between AM and AM+0.2 mM Pi plants, and NAM and fil plants did not differ significantly in biomass between each other (FigA)

In similar way, dry weight was measured. Roots stem and leaves were weighed. Our results showed that AM +2 mM Pi plants have more dry weight of roots, stem and leaves. Overall, AM+2 mM Pi shows significant increase in dry weight as compared to NAM and fil. (an average increase of 2 fold). We have found that there is no difference between AM and AM+0.2 mM Pi plants, and between NAM and Fil plants in dry weight (Fig. B).   



Responsible for this page: Director of undergraduate studies Biology
Last updated: 08/31/11