Fixation levels at different cluster size and different dispersal rates
It was shown that the cluster size where infected mosquitoes were introduced had a large impact on the final infection frequencies. The higher amount of nodes in the landscape that infected mosquitoes were released in the larger the chance of infection was as well as greater infection frequencies.
Dispersal rates did not have a large effect on if the introduction were succeful or not. The dispersal rates did however affect how fast the system reached a stable state.
Infection frequencies in different landscapes
A multi-factor ANOVA was conducted to compare the effect oflandscape configuration, season and dispersal on the mean infection frequencies in all nodes of a landscape.
There wasa negative correlation between the mean infected adult proportion over nodes and the landscape continuity, i.e. higher continuity in the landscape resulted in a lower proportion of infected adults.
Comparing the age-structured model against an ageless model
Landscape continuity had the opposite effect on the model with agestructure as to the one without agestructure. With agestructure excluded landscape continuity had a strong positive correlation to the mean infection frequencies, while with agestructure included landscape continuity had a negative correlation to the mean infection frequencies
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