The two species
The Amur tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) is a tiger subspecies which lives in the Russian far east. It is the largest one of the tiger species and even the largest living felid species today. The tiger is a solitary carnivore which often inhabits areas with dense vegetation. Therefore, the sense of smell is important for foraging and social communication between individuals.
The Bush dog (Speothos venaticus) is the only living species within the genus Speothos. It can be found in Central and South America and it lives in family packs, commonly composed of two parents and their offspring. The Bush dog use urine markings to mark their territory and as for the tigers, for social communication between individuals. Therefore, the sense of smell is important also for the bush dog.
Stereotypies which are repeated movements without obvious function, sometimes are displayed by animals held in captivity. Stereotypic behaviours are developed as a result from insufficient environments where the animals are exposed to stress or prevented from performing their species-specific behaviours.
Environmental enrichment can be used to lower frequencies of stereotypic behaviours, increase activity levels and promote species-specific behaviours.
Because both tigers and bush dogs heavily rely on the sense of smell, odours as a form of enrichment might be suitable for these two species.
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