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Data analysis

Strength and direction of lateralized behaviour at the individual level

A Binomial test was performed for each individual and for each specific motor pattern considering a 0.5 chance level. Individuals with:

  • significant + Z-scores (Z ≥ 1.96) Right-lateralized.
  • significant - Z-scores (Z ≤ -1.96) Left-lateralized.
  • non significant Z-scores (-1.96 < Z < 1.96) No limb/side bias.

Strength and direction of lateralized behaviour at the population level

Binomial tests were performed for each of the studied motor patterns to compare:

  • Nº of right-lateralized individuals vs nº of left-lateralized individuals.
  • Nº of non-lateralized individuals vs nº of lateralized individuals. 

Effects of sex, age and posture on the strength and direction of lateralized behaviour

Mann-Whitney U tests and Kruskall-Wallis tests were performed to compare:

  • Z-scores between group categories (effects on the direction).
  • Absolute value of Z-scores between group categories (effects on the strength).

Responsible for this page: Director of undergraduate studies Biology
Last updated: 06/04/15