Has breeding for appearance affected visual acuity in dogs?
I am a masterstudent in applied ethology & this webpage is about my masterproject!
I have been surrounded by animals since I was a toddler. My family has had every animal from tortoise, guinea pig to cat and dog. My passion for animals therefore started from a very young age and I always knew that i wanted to pursue a carrier in biology. My passion is especially with dogs behavior and how their behavior is affected by their enviroment and us their owners.
Therefore I applied for the bachelor program in biology at Liu in 2010, which now after six years has lead to a soon to be finished masters degree in ethology.
For a masterproject I chose to work with Dr. Lina Roth in the dog behavioural research group by Prof. Per Jensen. This project aims to determine visual acuity differences between dog breeds with extreme skull shapes, in both daylight and dim light conditions.
Hope you enjoy the reading! and dont hesitate to contact me if you have questions.
Best regards Ida Milton
Email: idami948@liu.student.se
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