Figure 2 - Enclosure layout: grey section - main enclosure area; white sections: big and small husbandry areas; EP - indoor quarter; PMG/PMP - platforms; OT3 – look-out; CP – den. Numbers 1 to 4 mark places where the CAP/Placebo was sprayed.
The study protocol was designed in collaboration with the keepers and my supervisor at CNRLI, and was as follows:
- The keepers sprayed 3 pumps (6 mL) of pheromone/placebo according to the order in Figure 2.
- The keepers shut the animal inside MP, where it was offered food. When the animal had finished eating, the gate was opened and the animal was given access to the whole husbandry area.
- The observers started the video recordings and this was the onset of data collection.
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Director of undergraduate studies Biology
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