The following histograms depict the percentage of scans in which the lynxes were observed performing behaviours within the categories previously mentioned.
The only statistically significant (p<0.05) difference between the two groups was found for the effect of the period (pre- or post- experimental study) on the frequency of Stereotypic behaviours (GzLM, χ2=5.7185, df=1,358, p-value=0.01679).
As for the remaining behaviours, no significant differences were found. The period had non-significant effects on the frequency of Relaxed behaviours (GzLM, χ2=1.2944, df=1,358, p-value=0.2552), Territorial behaviours (GzLM, χ2=0.57229, df=1,358, p-value=0.4494) and Exploratory behaviours (GzLM, χ2=2.9422, df=1,358, p-value=0.08629).
Both groups (control or treatment) also showed non-significant effects on the frequency of Stereotypic behaviours (GzLM, χ2=1.2092, df=1,357, p-value=0.2715), Relaxed behaviours (GzLM, χ2=0.058433, df=1,357, p-value=0.809), Territorial behaviours (GzLM, χ2=0.054945, df=1,357, p-value=0.8147) and Exploratory behaviours (GzLM, χ2=0.57428, df=1,357, p-value=0.4486).
Unfortunately, no comparison was done between data collected during the experimental period and the data collected during the pre- and post-experimental periods due to the differences in the collection methods. During the experimental period, observations were done using the focal follow sampling method, with continuous recording of duration and frequencies of selected behaviours. During the pre- and post-experimental periods, observations were done using instantaneous scan sampling, performed over the 24 hours of each day. Considering that the data was collected with these two different methods, it was not possible to perform such statistical comparisons.
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