My study started in July 4, 2015, in the province of Östergötland and I choosed 11 sites for my study. Species monitoring and sampling habitat factors were recorded in all 11 sites. In addition I tested movement pattern of butterflies in resopnse to change in habitat structure in 2 sites in Östergötland.

Butterflies monitoring
In order to record the occurrence of butterflies I used transect walk method. During transect walk I set a circular plot in each butterflies' spot to record their occurrence and measure habitat factors ( host plant, vegetation height, tree and bush canopy cover and fern abundance). Butterflies' spot were recoreded by GPS and habitat factors measured by sward stick and a transparent sheet divided into square decimetre.

Butterflies' movement behaviour
In this part of experiment, I tested flight speed and flight patterns of 28 butterflies in two sites in Östergötland. Individuals were captured with a butterfly net from a deciduous woodland with tall vegetation height and close canopy and translocated to an open semi natural grassland with oak and hazels. Captured butterflies were kept in a plastic jars which contained host plant and wet wipe and translocated by a cool box to the open release site. Before release, every individual was transfered to a transparent box and kept there for 2 minutes and relased afterward. Flight speed and flight pattern were recorded for each individuals by using stop watch and flags.

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Director of undergraduate studies Biology
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