About me!
I am an eco/bio/environmentalist with the aim of wildlife conservationist in the future. I did my bachelor program in Environmental engineering in Iran and in the meantime I was teaching students about wildlife of Iran with the cooperation of UNEP. After I graduated I worked in a consultant company as a wildlife and environmental expert. After two years I traveled to Sweden to continue my study in Master's program, this time Applied Ethology and Animal Biology at Linköping University. After one interesting year study about animal behaviour, I started my Masters' project about habitat preference of the Woodland Brown in woodlands and seminatural grasslands in south of Linköping. Almost 3 month hard working in the forest gave me amazing experiences about being in the beautiful nature of Sweden, observing some species of animals for the first time and increasing my knowledge about butterflies as one of the most beautiful and amazing creatures. And now after two years, university provided this upportunity for me to share my experiences to people who are interested or will be interested about butterflies and wildlife conservation.

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Director of undergraduate studies Biology
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