The tourists profile
115 people participated in the survey. The tourists in Sen Monorom is typically backpackers, with majority traveling with friends (51 %), younger than 25 years old (29 %), a bachelor degree (35 %) and a salary lesser than $40 000 per year (54 %) (Table 4). The interviewed tourists came from 23 different countries, with the most common one being the United Kingdom (15 %), followed by France and Germany, with 14 % of the tourists respectively. The average time spent in Mondulkiri was 3.2 days, out of an average of 25 days of vacation in Cambodia.
Out of the interviewed tourists, 58 % visited other countries during their trips, and the average of the trip in total was 65 days. The majority of tourists (63 %) had decided to visit Mondulkiri before travelling to Cambodia. On average, the tourists spend $10 pernight on their accommodation, and 79 % participated in guided tours.
Most of the tourists, 61 % (Appendix) came to Mondulkiri because of the elephant attractions, which was both ranked the highest and had the highest willingness to pay (Table 5).
Present opinions among the tourists
115 people considered themselves environmental aware and wanted to pay an entry fee. The average and median for the proportion they wanted to go towards conservation was 60 %. As for the tiger re-introduction in Eastern Plains Landscape, 63 % thought it would be a positive action, 27 % was not sure and 10 % thought it would have a negative effect.
The transportation, referring to the bus ride to Sen Monorom, was said to be the worst things about the trip by 21 % by the tourists. 15 % said nothing was bad, 13 % complained about bugs and 10 % mentioned competition among tour operators as well as confusion about the term “ecotourism”.
On the questions about what the tourists would like to change/improve in order to make the visit in Sen Monorom more worth wile, 30 % answered “nothing”, while 17 % claimed that more information about the site would add to the experience. 11 % requested more transparency in from the tour operators in order to determine where their money went.
Level of satisfaction
Overall, people were satisfied with their stay, and among different ecotourism indicators, the nature experience got the highest grade, with a mean of 4.7 out of 5 (Figure 5). The thing that people were least satisfied with was the education about environmental issues, which got a mean score of 3.8.The level of satisfaction for the whole trip have a high score, with landscape scoring the highest, with 4.7 out of 5. The thing that scored lowest was the quality of roads, with a mean score of 3.23.

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Director of undergraduate studies Biology
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