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Bioparc Valencia






  • Sympatric species Lemur catta and Eulemur rufifrons share the space, rest and perform locomotion together more than with other species.


  • Sympatric species Varecia variegata and Varecia rubra share the space, rest and perform locomotion together more than other species.


  • No clear dominance for any species.


Bioparc Fuengirola





  • Sympatric species Varecia variegata and Varecia rubra DO NOT tolerate each other and have to take turns to go in the exhibit


  • The apparent dominant species is Eulemur macaco, which is not the most numerous (n=3) or the one with larger bodies. 


  • Mixed-species exhibits permit the species of lemurs that they harbour, to create relationships between species, hence to add social enrichment.


  • Permanent monitoring is essential for the welfare of the lemurs. It is a sensitive environment and small changes like breeding season, or the introduction of a new individual can create conflicts lead to aggressive behaviour between species.

Responsible for this page: Director of undergraduate studies Biology
Last updated: 05/10/19